Body Condition Scoring
5… Obese Cat
- Ribs and backbone not easily palpable under a heavy fat covering.
- Abdomen rounded; waist barely visible to absent.
- Prominent abdominal folds that sway from side to side when walking.
4… Overweight Cat
- Slight increase in fat over ribs, but still easily palpable.
- Abdomen slightly rounded, flanks concave.
- Abdominal folds hang down with moderate amount of fat-jiggle noted when walking.
3… Ideal Cat
- Ribs palpable but not visible.
- Slight waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above.
- Abdomen tucked, flank folds present.
2… Lean Cat
- Backbone and ribs easily palpable.
- Minimal fat covering.
- Minimal waist when viewed from above
- Slightly tucked abdomen.
1… Thin Cat
- Ribs, vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible.
- Thin neck and narrow waist.
- Obvious abdominal tuck.
- No fat in abdominal folds, folds often absent.