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15 Characteristics of Behaviorally Healthy Dogs

15 Characteristics of Behaviorally Healthy Dogs

1) Friendly toward people, including well-behaved children
2) Friendly toward other friendly dogs
3) Does not become anxious if left alone for a reasonable period
4) Eliminates appropriately
5) Readily gives up control of food, toys and other objects to owner
6) Relaxed during normal handling and touching
7) Calms down quickly after being startled or getting excited
8) Not overly fearful of normal events
9) Barks when appropriate, but not excessively
10) Plays well with people without becoming too rough
11) Plays well with other dogs
12) Plays with its own toys and doesn’t damage owner’s possessions often
13) Affectionate without being needy
14) Adapts to change with minimal problems
15) Usually responds to owner’s request or commands, such as sit, stay,