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Administering Cat Meds

Administering Cat Meds

It’s not uncommon for a cat to balk at the taste of medication mixed into even their most favorite canned food or treat. In those cases, here are some tips for how to administer your cat’s
medication via oral syringe.

If the medication is not premixed, draw up 1ml of water, chicken broth, or watered down canned food, baby food, tuna juice, etc. Place the cap on the syringe, or your finger over the tip,
remove the plunger portion, and then empty the powder contents of the gabapentin into the syringe. Replace the plunger and invert or gently mix (Pictures 1-8).

You could also mix the liquid and gabapentin in a very small container and then suck the contents up into the syringe. You may not be able to get 100% of the liquid and medication out of the container.

a close-up of a syringe
Once the medication is ready to administer, you’ll need to find a method of restraining your cat that you are both comfortable with. You can back your cat up to your body with your cat on a
table or counter, or between your knees if you kneel on the floor (Picture 9). If your cat tries to claw at your hand or the syringe, bundling him/her up in a towel helps (Picture 10)! You can use the scruff of the neck as a handle if your pet struggles to escape.
a close-up of a syringe